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Image by Danielle Cerullo


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  • Obesity Goodbye Center

  • Expert teams with over 10 years of experience performing bariatric procedures.

  • State-of-the-art facilities with top level quality equipment for safe surgery and effective recovery

Our services

Medical staff
and nursing
that will be with you at all times

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Intragastric Balloon

  • Non-invasive procedure lasting 30 minutes

  • Carefully placed with endoscopy equipment

  • Outpatient procedure, easy recovery in 1 hour

  • Satiates hunger feelings leading to 15% excess weight loss (45lbs)

  • 6 to 12 month program includes nutrition and exercise regimines

  • Utilizes Spatz 3 Ball technology

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Gastric sleeve

  • The most commonly performed bariatric surgery

  • 2 Day In-Patient recovery, minimally invasive with 

  • Highly effective physical change leading to 50% - 70% excess weight loss (65lbs - 130lbs)

  • Stomach volume is reduced by 80%, decreasing overall food intake and feeling of hunger.

Gastric Bypass


  • Reduce of the stomach and a connection of it with the small intestine to reduce the absorption of food. 

  • Helps you lose weight due to less food intake and less food absorption.

  • Provides effective weight loss over time of more than 50% of excess weight (50kg – 80kg) 

  • Control and in some cases remission of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension 

  • Recovery in 2 days

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Revision Surgery

  • If you already have a procedure and you did not lose enough weight. 

  • If you started losing weight, but you plateaued and you are regaining it. 

  • If you have discomfort with your previous reflux surgery or excessive weight loss.

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  • Gallbladder removal

  • Surgery that is performed in 1 hour due to minimal invasion. 

  • Recovery in 24 hours

  • Disabling pain occurs on the right side of the abdomen after eating high-fat food. 

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  • Hernia repair

  • A hernia is a defect in the abdominal wall through which loops of intestine or fat protrude from the inside of the abdomen. 

  • A hernia must be repaired before a complication occurs.

  • The complication of a hernia could trigger the perforation of an intestine and this can lead to serious health conditions and even death.


General Surgery  |    Appendix Resection

Gallbladder Resection     |    Hernia Repair    |    Antireflux Surgery 



After your surgery you will have a network
Professional support with us


Physical conditioning


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  • Mexico is a country with everything necessary to offer complete medical treatment with excellence in safety and cleaning for a fraction of the cost abroad.  

  • We have the infrastructure to pick up our patients at the airport and take them as part of our service.

  • San Diego Airport. 

  • Tijuana Airport.

  • We have hotels in excellent condition and with all the services for a comfortable stay after the postoperative period with transportation included. 

  • We have travel agents who will accompany you throughout your process. 

  • We work with patients from the United States and Canada, we have bilingual staff.

Don't wait any longer 
to make that change in you

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